Thank You for registering Pixavince Live Online program

Congratulations on enrolling in our program! We’re excited to embark on this educational journey with you. Please read and follow the instructions below carefully to ensure a smooth start:

  1. Program Details and Schedule: You will soon receive comprehensive program details and schedules via email and WhatsApp. Keep an eye on your inbox for this important information.
  2. Online Meeting Platform Setup: Prior to the commencement of the program, it’s crucial to set up and test the online meeting platform specified in the email details. Whether it’s Zoom or Google Meet, make sure you’re familiar with the platform to maximize your learning experience.
  3. Contact Information: If, by any chance, you haven’t received the meeting details within 24 hours of the scheduled session, please reach out to us promptly. You can contact us via WhatsApp at +91-8080602404. We are committed to ensuring you have all the necessary information for a seamless learning experience.
  4. Confidentiality Reminder: For the security and integrity of the course, we kindly request that you do not share your course emails or session details with anyone. This is crucial to maintain a secure learning environment. Any breach of this confidentiality may result in immediate expulsion from the course, and no refunds will be provided.


Joining online course

  1. Check Your Internet Connection and Setup: Before the meeting, verify that you have a stable internet connection, and ensure that your setup (camera, microphone, and speakers) is functioning properly. This will help prevent any technical issues during the session.
  2. Choose a Suitable Environment: Arrange yourself in a quiet, well-lit, and isolated room to minimize distractions and enhance your focus during the course. A conducive environment contributes significantly to the quality of your online learning experience.
  3. Join the Meeting Promptly: Aim to join the online meeting at least 5 minutes before the scheduled start time. This allows you to address any potential technical glitches and ensures a timely commencement of the session.
  4. Waiting Room Protocol: Upon joining, participants will enter a waiting room for identification purposes. To expedite the process and avoid delays, it’s advisable to join the meeting early. After identification, participants will be allowed into the main meeting room.
  5. Meeting Room Lock: Please note that the meeting room will be locked 5 minutes after the scheduled session time. To avoid any inconvenience, make sure to join promptly. Latecomers may encounter difficulties accessing the session once the room is locked.
  6. Use Mute Functionality: Keep your microphone on mute when you are not speaking. Unmute only when it is your turn to contribute or ask questions. This helps maintain a clear and focused audio environment for all participants.
  7. Engage Actively: Participate actively in discussions, activities, and any interactive elements of the course. Your engagement enhances the overall learning experience for yourself and your fellow participants.


Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to a productive and enriching learning experience together.